Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why Are Women More Easily Infected By HIV Than Men?

Image result for women and HIV

Women are two to four times more likely to get infected with HIV through unprotected vaginal sex than men, due to the following reasons:

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

When I Was 10

Growing up was an amazing experience, i remember growing up in the beautiful city of Kano State, life was easy and everything was ......., am lost for words to describe my childhood, I would say it was indescribable, if you understand what I really mean. Don't mind me, am not writing to tell you how fancy my life was growing up, although it was fancy and fun, but I want to share with you a bit of that history and lessons to learn from.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

#inspiring No legs No Limits (I am different and that is sexy)

Skater girl: Kanya often doesn't use a wheelchair and prefers to get around on a skateboard or walking on her hands

Kanya Sesser has redefined the meaning of the word sexy. Born without them, Kanya was adopted into a U.S. family at age 5. She had been abandoned, presumably because of her condition, outside a Buddhist temple in Thailand only weeks after being born.

What Life Would Be Like If I Loved Myself the Way I Loved You


I should have loved myself with the love I gave to you. I should have told myself the encouraging things I told you when you were most vulnerable. I should have given myself the same chances that I gave to you and I didn't.