Monday, July 25, 2016

Beauty can ruin your self worth

Everyone has that song they play when they wake up; well mine will be ‘Flawless by Mercy Me’.  It can be an irony to wake up and still remain flawless, everyone hates to have a picture of them right out of bed and I am one of them. Maybe I should stop playing Flawless knowing that I am so flawed.

How much of a mirror lover are you when you wake up, do you adjust the skin before you step out of the room by using wipes, products and drinking tons of water (it will surprise you the rituals before the good mornings) but for many, despite the best efforts, sometimes the skin has a mind of its own. Can anyone relate?

Wrestling with negative thought of self-worth can be disrupt a good day. Trying hard to make yourself feel worthy of a compliment may just be the reason why you don’t feeling beautiful enough even when you have makeup on, you find yourself stealing a minute or two to apply on the face (everyone has a girlfriend that applies all the time and if you don’t have one, look In your purse) with thoughts:

My friends aren’t going to think I’m pretty.

Maybe they won’t like me as much.

Maybe they will think less of me because of my skin.

Those little lies pointed to a bigger lie, that our worth as women is tied to my outward appearance. It’s the lie that we are only as good as people think we look. If you feel this way, then do some personal counseling, preach the truth to your soul, remind yourself of the truth found in God’s Word.

I am valuable because of Christ (Rom. 5:8).

I am worthy because of Christ’s worth in me (Phil. 1:27).

I am made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27).

My skin doesn’t dictate my worth.

My friends don’t dictate my worth.

Only my Maker has the authority to define my worth (Rom. 9:21).

As you do this, you will no longer feel depressed about your skin or struggle with worthlessness. But there will be days of Skin breakouts, weight issues, bad hair days, cellulite . . . the list of potential beauty struggles is long. We all have those days where we look in the mirror and think, I look horrible! Have you ever looked in the mirror and hated what you saw? Have you ever been tempted to define your worth based on your reflection? Focus on God’s truth, not what you see in the mirror.

Image Credit: Google

(Thank You Bethany)


  1. Funny enough, I went to the office today without putting any makeup on. I've grown to love myself more without it. I heard one of my colleagues hasn't been caught without it for more than two years now. It tells me there's a fundamental struggles she's battling with.

    1. The truth is beauty is meant to come from within... we need not take time adorning our physical being with makeups and make downs rather we have to strive to adorn our inner beings via the word of God and beautiful thoughts that will make radiate via our smiles and physical appearance. Welldone CEO Heelstory.

    2. Queen actually the first rule in self worth is this;Love you always. Beauty starts from the inside.
