Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Family 101

Am so excited to share with you my what have being going through my dramatic head recently; family. This unit was instituted by God "for this reason a man will leave his parents and be joined with his wife and they will be one flesh", to join means to be united.
That was God sole intention for the home. I really want to sharp shoot at the 3 main people that makes up the family. Let me start with the men after all you are the head.

MEN: Everything i say here i don't say out of context:

Provision:You must provide for your family, it is by force. It doesn't end at that, you must provide or give a helping hand to you relatives. Sisters please don't stop him from sending items to his family back home, that is his role (if any man does not provide for his own and member of his household, he is worst than an infidel). I hear there a some men that ride cars and there wives still take public transport to drop off their children at school, you dress fine and your family is in rags. What a shame.

Not For Show: Let your family issue be settled among yourself, quit calling your relatives and friends into family issues, settle in the secrecy of your home. When you got married to her, it was both of you and not with them. Remember it is you and her against the world.

Understanding: When that woman is beginning to type 1000 words per second with her mouth, please walk away or she may provoke you to anger. If you must stay, listen to her and correct her as a father would, as a friend would and most especially as her husband. Since you are joined to her, live with her in understanding, honor her as the weaker vessel. Let peace reign in understanding.

Love: Love love love, i repeat this for emphasis. Love your wife as your body. Since both of you are joined as one, she is your body in flesh and without. Let the breast of your wife satisfy you.

The Head: You must be in charge. Manage your household well with all dignity, keeping your children submissive. Take up your role as the man in the house and don't be at the background while your wife break her back to feed you.

Pray: Don't be the TV man (physical head of the house), while your wife be kneel woman (spiritual head of the home). Don't you know the spiritual controls the physical. take up your authority at all ends and lead your family.

WOMEN: Saying it as it is #siati

Wisdom: The wisest woman builds her home and the foolish one tears it down. Be wise in talking to your husband;don't use harsh words on him, in spending;be a good manager. He has pride don't step on him' respect him in private and in public. Manage and build your home well.

Submission: Submit to your husband in everything, for he will love you more. Nobody will insult your husband if don't insult him. be submissive always.

Food: He works  to provide for the house, please thank him with a bowl of meal, haven't you heard that the way to man's heart is his stomach (something Emu in the Family sitcom The Johnsons taught me). Please don't starve him into another woman's cooking pot.

Modesty: In your dressing, be a wife and a mother. Be adorn with a cloth that will accord you respect. Your husband is your crown and covering, what else are you looking for in slutful clothing. be a woman of excellence, appeal to your husband and attract him everyday. Keep the romance and the fire burning, throw away the xxxl shirts, baggy pants and loins you wrap round your chest. Always make him want to come home to you.

Close your mouth: Don't you know it is better to live in the corner of the housetop than in the house with a quarrelsome wife. Make sure there is wisdom and kindness when you open your mouth.

Pray: Pray for your home, pray for your husband, pray for your children and pray for yourself.

CHILDREN: Because i am one.

Obedience: A lot has being said about obeying our parents, that means God and society takes it seriously. Obey your folks that all may be well with you.

No Insult: Don't haul insult on your parents, they gave you life and since they didn't kill you at birth, you owe them.

Back Off: Stay away from their marital problem, except you were invited. If you don't, you may be forced to take sides with one party and disrespect the other. remember they were together before you, help them remain as one.

Pray: Sometimes decisions taken by our folks are not always the best for us, so you have to pray always for God's guidance in decision making. Pray because they need grace to lead you, pray for their unity and sustenance, pray to  be better, pray, pray and pray.

So I CARE (Corinthians 7:3-5)

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his body but yields to the wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourself to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self control.

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